; The existing table implementation in table.txt can accomidate arbitrary ; numbers of keys and different values stored under different number of keys ; if you use a list of the keys as a single key. ; ; For example: ; 1 ]=> (define dns (make-table)) ; ; ;Value: dns ; ; 1 ]=> (insert! '(adrianstoll com) ' dns) ; ; ;Value: ok ; ; 1 ]=> (insert! '(music youtube com) ' dns) ; ; ;Value: ok ; ; 1 ]=> (insert! '(www eecs umich edu) ' dns) ; ; ;Value: ok ; ; 1 ]=> (lookup '(music youtube com) dns) ; ; ;Value: || ; ; 1 ]=> (lookup '(youtube com) dns) ; ; ;Value: #f ; ; 1 ]=> (insert! '(localhost) ' dns) ; ; ;Value: ok ; ; 1 ]=> (lookup '(localhost) dns) ; ; ;Value: ||