Written by Adrian Stoll December 2014
Command | Parameters | Alias | Description |
BACK | distance | BK | moves turtle opposite direction |
CLEAN | erases all graphics, does not affect turtle heading | ||
CLEARGRAPHICS | CG | clears current graphics, resets everything | |
FORWARD | distance | FD | moves turtule forward |
HIDETURTLE | HT | hide tutle cursor | |
HOME | moves cursor to home position | ||
LEFT | degrees | LT | turns left specified number of degrees |
PENDOWN | PD | puts pendown | |
PENERASE | PE | turns pen into eraser by setting color to background color | |
PENUP | PU | raises pen | |
RIGHT | deg | RT | turns turtle to the right specified number of degrees |
SETHEADING | deg | SETH | turns turtle to the right specifed number of degrees |
SETPENCOLOR | color | SETPC | sets color of pen (accepts color names, rgb(7,128,90) format, #FF0077 format) |
SETXY | x, y | sets position of cursor | |
SHOWTURTLE | ST | shows turtule cursor | |
TOWARDS | x, y | sets heading towards specifed point |
CLEAN PENDOWN RT 30 FD 100 RT 120 FD 100 RT 120 FD 100 PU RT 150 FD 50